- Barnehage - søknad om godkjenning (barnehageloven)
- Barnehage - søknad om midlertidig dispensasjon fra krav til personale
If you would like to be a childminder, there a several requirements you need to meet and you must have authorisation from the municipality.
If you would like to be a childminder for three or more children and offer weekly care for ten or more hours on a regular basis, you must have authorisation from the municipality.
Your business must take the children’s health and well-being into consideration. There are requirements for the following
People who would like to start a childminding business.
Parents who would like a childminder for their children need to know whether a potential childminder is authorised by the municipality and may be the driving force behind obtaining such authorisation.
Contact the municipality for more information on how you should apply for authorisation. Your application should include a brief description of how your business will comply with the various provisions of the regulation.
The municipality will process the case as soon as possible. If a decision cannot be reached on the case within one month, you will receive a written message stating the reason as to why. You will also be informed of when the decision is expected to be made.
If you are dissatisfied with the decision, you can appeal to the municipality within three weeks from the date on which you received it. Explain what you are dissatisfied with and why you believe the decision should be changed. If you need guidance, you can enquire with the municipality. If the municipality upholds its decision, the case will be passed on to the county governor, who will determine whether the appeal should be sustained.
Tenesta oppdatert: 04.05.2020 13:13